Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Magic Pouch Builds a Village

We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Grandchildren in Chicago. I wanted a new idea for the Magic Pouch, something different. I finally decided it would be fun to build a Christmas village. I went to the Dollar Tree and bought all of the pieces that they had for a village including the snow. Because some of the pieces were too large to fit into the pouch, they had to go on treasure hunts to find them.
What fun they had!

The first time that they checked the pouch, there was a note saying "Lets build a Christmas Village together. Before we start, ask you Mom and Dad where we can put the village. "

Then : "Go to Miles' bed". There they found a note saying: "Go to the dryer".  They found two buildings (gift wrapped) and the "snow" inside the dryer - the fun begins.

Miles really got into this. In between the Magic Pouch discoveries, he started to use Legos to add his own parts, he made a hobo with campfire and a little newsie guy with a newspaper (that one really made Grandma proud). Walking across a bridge was Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars and in the corner was the TARDIS with Doctor Who standing next to it. I think he covered many different angles.