Friday, April 19, 2013

Magic Pouch to the Rescue!

My grandson has always been all boy, very active. When he started kindergarden it was very hard for him to sit still. One night I was talking to him and his Dad on FaceTime. He didn't look very happy,
Seems that he has been bringing home Oops Notes from school. He had a problem keeping his hands to himself and talking out of turn. Of course it broke my heart, I was frantically trying to think of how I could help. I was so far away. Then it hit me -The Magic Pouch!
Miles is a huge Star Wars Fan. Grandpa and I spent the weekend going from party shops to Hallmark Stores looking for a Star Wars bracelet. Finally found one online and ordered it. The plan had begun.

The Magic Pouch wrote him a letter.

The letter included Star Wars stickers and a chart.

The following Friday, Miles and his Dad called me on FaceTime to show that he had 5 stickers on his chart. A whole week without one Oops Note!  Hooray Miles and Magic Pouch!

The Magic Pouch send a special Star Wars book to him.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Oh No...Magic Pouch Mistake?

We just got back from visiting our three grandchildren in Florida. The magic pouch was a big hit. Because there are three kids I used a new, larger bag that I receive as a gift when I bought Clinique makeup. The twins are two and a half years old so I used mainly Fisher Price Little People, bubbles and sunglasses. Their older brother, Colin is almost six years old and really into Power Rangers. I was surprised at how many small Power Ranger toys that I found in Target. Colin wanted to know why the Magic Pouch was bigger than the last time, nothing gets by him. I told him that I didn't know because it is magic it just appears in my purse.

The day after we arrived home I received a picture text from my son. It said "Look Grandma, It's the Magic Pouch!" It was a picture of Colin standing next to a large Clinique ad in a department store and there was my new makeup case. What was I thinking? Should have used an older case? He decided that  the Magic Pouch's picture was there because it is famous....whew!